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Connect to the HiCentral IDX Feed
Updated today

In order to connect to the Honolulu Board of Realtors (HiCentral) IDX feed, you will need to follow this document published by HiCentral:

  • You will be required to select a feed type (IDX Dataset) and complete some paperwork to be signed by you (the agent), your broker, and the vendor (Web4Realty).

  • Please note that Web4Realty currently already supports the HiCentral IDX Dataset which includes active listings only (no sold listings). If you need an enhanced dataset, please reach out to your sales rep or account manager for options.

  • HiCentral will bill you directly for charges associated with setting up your IDX feed based on the feed type you select including one-time setup fees and recurring monthly fees (if any).

For more information, please contact HiCentral via phone at 808-792-4933 or e-mail at [email protected].

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