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MLS Approval Process

Your MLS needs to grant approval before you can show IDX listings on your website. Learn how the process works and what to expect.

Updated over a month ago

If you want to display MLS listings on your website using Web4Realty’s IDX components, you’ll need to complete the MLS approval process. This ensures compliance with MLS rules and protects listing data.

Why do I need to get MLS approval?

MLSs have strict guidelines on how listing data can be displayed online. To ensure compliance, real estate agents and brokers must obtain approval before an IDX feed can be activated on your website. Without MLS approval, Web4Realty cannot display listings on your domain, even if you are a licensed real estate professional.

Approvals are granted on a per-domain basis. For example, if you have two websites hosted on different domains (eg. and you will have to get approval from the MLS for each of those domains.

What is required to get MLS approval?

While each MLS has a different approval process, they all generally require you (the real estate agent), your broker, Web4Realty, and the MLS to e-sign a contract that covers the rules of displaying MLS listings on your website.

Once a contract is executed by all parties and is approved by your MLS, Web4Realty can start showing listings on your website through our IDX components.

How do I start my MLS approval process?

Head over to your Web4Realty dashboard and type in "mls approval" within the search bar:

Scroll down to the Feed Approvals section and click on the + Start Approval button.

Click on the MLS Name select box to find your MLS, you can also type in the name of your MLS to search:

Fill out the rest of the information on the approval request form and click on Submit once complete. Some things to note:

  • Please provide your Managing Broker Name and Email Address so they can receive the contracts to e-sign

  • While not all fields are required, the more information you provide, the quicker we can help complete the approval process

Right after you click submit, you should receive an email with instructions to start your MLS approval process at the email address linked to your account. You can also click on Actions and then Instructions to get a link to your approval instructions right away:

How long does the MLS approval process take?

How long the process takes depends on how quickly you (the agent) and your broker are able to execute the approval contract.

Once you start the MLS approval process, you and your broker will typically receive the contract to e-sign via email. We strongly recommend that you reach out to your broker to let them know to execute the contract digitally.

Most approvals take between 3 to 5 business days however, significant delays are possible if:

  • You do not take the steps identified in the approval instructions to initiate the approval process (a lot of MLSs require the agent to initiate the process)

  • Your broker does not e-sign the contract immediately

  • You provide incorrect or invalid information during the approval process

  • You are not an active dues-paying member of the MLS

  • Your MLS is unresponsive or

My approval is stuck in Pending for some time, what do I do?

If your approval is stuck in Pending for more than 3 business days, it could be for a few reasons:

  • Your MLS requires you (the agent) to take action to start the approval process and you have not completed the steps required

  • Your broker has not executed the contract sent by the MLS or us

  • Your MLS has not processed your paperwork and granted approval

  • You submitted incorrect information and will need to submit a new approval request

While our team is here to help, we sincerely hope you understand that our support team has limited ability to help apart from letting you know where the process could be stuck.

Most e-sign systems including the one we use send regular reminders to all parties involved to keep things smooth, but we are not responsible for delays in the process caused by unresponsive parties.

How will I know the approval process is complete?

Once the process is complete, your MLS will notify us of their approval of your website displaying IDX listings. We will automatically connect your feed to your account and update the status of your approval on the Feed Approvals section to Approved:

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